Coming Soon Mobile Phones - High Technology knocking at the door

Just from the beginning of year 2011, we saw the release of several smart phones and tablets. Apple, Sony Ericsson, HTC, LG and Nokia etc. and almost all the brands have launched their latest mobile phones in market. The smart phones launched in the year 2011 are definitely more advanced than their predecessors. On the other hand, prices of feature phones have steadily come down, giving opportunities for those, who were still deprived of the wonderful offering of communication technology. However, if you are dying for cutting edge technology of latest mobile phones 2011, here are glimpses of some popular handsets, whose talks are buzzing all over the market.
Apple iPhone 5:- This is one of the top most buzzes, which is hovering in bustling world of new mobile phones. The phone is hyped to come with more advanced iOS platform and processor along with bigger touch screen than the existing iPhone 4. We have heard, the device is also coming with more mega pixels camera in comparison to its predecessor. As the NFC technology is the latest most sought feature in world of latest mobile phones, you can expect this very feature with the gadget.

Sony Ericsson Xperia Pro: This new device from the cradle of Sony Ericsson is a marvelous example of exquisite ergonomics. Big and inviting touch screen with rounded edge of the phone can cause burning desire of possessing it in the belly of any gadget geek.
These are just two high ranking gadget which claim to be leader in coming soon mobile phones, though there are many more. You can choose any one over lucrative deals in the UK on line market, if you want to benefit yourself with free gifts and exciting incentives.